Cancel Me

A parodical drama based on influencer cancellations

Kuthumi Cannon’s “Cancel Me” shows us the challenges up and coming content creators with small audiences face. This is one of the only films that sympathetic towards influencers instead if having them be the token stupid person.

Cancel Me explores the story about small time, 19-year-old content creator, Condor and his attempt to rebrand himself after receiving numerous backlash after controversies, with the help of his brother and his talent manager. His live streaming brother, Moonfall, tells him he needs to just be clear and honest and own up to his mistakes. His manager suggests he ignore it and let the hate die down. He needs to make a decision before its too late and there is irreversible damage.

“Listen loud and clear. None of your favorite content creators are your friend…It’s just the truth. I am not your friend & I don’t care about you, because I don’t KNOW you. I can’t! There are 13,000 people here. I can’t care about ALL of you, because I don’t know any of you.”

-Ludwig Agren